Blog Journal #3

Copyright and fair use is a tricky thin line that I struggled with a lot when creating my own works. Sometimes things are copyrighted that you didn't even know belonged to someone else. I would essentially teach my students about the importance of knowing about copyright and the consequences that can come along with misusing someone else's work. However, I would encourage further for them to make their own personal creations, and if they do choose to include aspects of someone else's, give credit when it is due. Just don't make someone else's work yours entirely. Decreased productivity seems to hinder education the most in my opinion due to technology based off of prior experience. A way I would increase my student's productivity in the classroom would be to assign times within the class to work with no distractions and free time. For example, when doing an assignment, no phones, computers, or any sort of technology unless provided would be allowed, and in this...