Blog Journal #7

 I visited my old high school's website, Wellington High School. The site is basically a subset of the overall county school district's domain: Palm Beach School District. Overall, there is no incredibly personal information regarding the teacher staff on the site. Under the heading Students and Parents, there are only sections regarding academic programs the school has. The only staff that is shown under the School Info tab is the principal herself, Ms. Cara Hayden, and the names of the assistant principals. I feel like this allows privacy and security for the students and faculty because if you do need to contact a teacher, you have to call the school itself or you have to be the parent/guardian of the student and they should know the way to contact the teacher. 

A way that I would use technology productively to accomplish my professional teacher tools would be time management, for one. It has helped me a lot in academic settings to work for a given period without distractions, and only that time. With teaching, I would stay extremely focused on the lesson plans and classes I had for the day, and when the school day was over, I would leave my teaching mindset at the school and go home to do other things. Not only does this help my productivity, but it also makes sure that I am well-rested for my teaching so I am not constantly trying to keep up. 

I had never used the Assignment 2 Group tool before so that was interesting. I enjoyed making my own pages--it made me feel like an actual teacher publishing for a class. However, I had somewhat of a hard time working with my group. While we got the assignment done on time, I had advocated to get it started a few days before the deadline and created pages for the home page, etc, but my partners did not decide to actually start working a few hours before the deadline at midnight. This was frustrating for me, as it only made everyone feel stressed and wrong for me, as I like to not work on the weekend to reset for the new week ahead. 


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